
The Art of Shiatsu or the Way to healing online film free directors Guy Maezelle in 4k 179


The Art of Shiatsu or the Way to healing Belgium





  1. Country: Belgium
  2. Runtime: 54minutes
  3. genre: Documentary
  4. star: Yuichi Kawada

Love how you capture the essence of our art, the soul. Massage Therapy in Philadelphia — Healing Arts.


Amazing Zen Shiatsu! Sandra and Jess, thank you very much... I love you... s2. A very informative video. Thank you for sharing. Shiatsu means figure press in Chinese. It is modified massage technique originally from Chinese Therapeutic massage Tuina. A Tough Act To Follow

Thank you for sharing a so complete video and lessons of shiatsu philosophy. @Achena Mukh Very nice and attentive video. this channel is very popular. All information provided is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between The Art of Massage & Wellness Center LLC and.

I am looking forward to see some techniques, I might not know yet. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Herr Kollege Rappenecker hat alles hervorragend dargestellt. Thank you for that teaching very clear and helpfull.

Kobido Facial Massage, Reiki Healing & Shiatsu.
Impressive! How can we set up something similar in UK and in Italy.
An ancient art transfused with a new generation of practitioners. The River Stone Shiatsu offers the rare art of Sennin-So Shiatsu to the greater Seattle area.


Vibration: The YELLOW MONKEY Beautiful, good sound, well recorded to see the sequence. Healing Arts Touch is dedicated to providing the best essential resources for healing to take place in a person. Beginning in 1992, I attended the Boston Shiatsu School in Massachusetts. I believe in shiatsu I have studied some of the points I know some of the nerve points and very good at energy projection of energy as a very skilled at various forms of energy work would say that after the shiatsu would project energy into the body but be aware of a fact of energy exchange the very chemicals things you carry will be transmitted to the receiver will receive that which you carry now there are various ways of cleansing you energy as the body is as a electrically wired system of nerves like electric wires if you want to see the work of internal energy then move your hands you will see internal energy or chi as it is called in Japanese practitioners call it I do tai chi five elements of the ninja the very center of your being is the very place were you carry it it's very good to use light of golden in nature the reason I golden it's the very nature of The Holy Spirit God is in every thing we hear of balance in the yin and yang dark and light of which God governs did not Jesus Christ call God Yahweh King of The Universe now another way to get more energy is reverse breathing which builds energy in the dan tien about two and a half inches below the belly button this is the center of all your being the foundation of which though agree not God should reign in through Jesus Christ He is was and is to come I've learned many years from Him now not understood by most He said in Calvary my God my God why have you forsaken me quoting David in Psalm 22 now we hear the things call the Secret a very usual understanding of universal laws and attraction and receiving that which you need but yet even if you receive of The Universe understand you may receive all you want but yet without Jesus Christ you will never get eternal life of The Heaven we know The Lord Jesus said if anyone denies me before my Father in Heaven I will deny Them before My Father in Heaven I don't sway in my faith in God in Jesus Christ a saying without faith it's impossible to please God be of faith with works that follow cause it's very important always to do read Mathew 24-25 when Jesus Christ said depart from me you workers of iniquity I never knew you now for the Christians that will read this don't get to the assumption that your is not enough ask The Very Faith that Jesus Christ had at The Garden of where He was vexed with the sins and weight of The World placed on Him and in Him He said nevertheless thy will be done we are a very blessed children of God we carry all of The Godhead The Holy Trinity The Very presence and very blessings of God I have never doubted and am sometimes vexed though I don't speak or claim such I speak life and blessings of The Torah or The Old Testament don't be concerned if it seems your faith is weak as it renewed and restored we all go through various trials pains sorrows even have had ill intended people trying to place very bad unjust and evil thoughts in me and though I am not Jesus Christ I carry His Divine Trinity in me so do you it's not competition nor is are any us better than anyone else am very strong and wise in God and powerful but yet God is The Source of all things it's very important a man woman or child of God we need to start each day ask forgiveness of our sins forgive others forgive ourselves and look at the very sun in The Solar system thank God for His Provision and The beginning of a bright new day let go of the past ask God to give power unto you to let it be forgotten as east is to west in a sea of forgetfulness and talk to and thank Him for all you have all you are and put your prayers requests before Him trust by Faith He's able He wants to and already has for you I like a little worship music helps me draw the presence of God There was a man in The Bible called Judah it means praise so don't stress let God bless let go and let God now with a sturdy chair when you sit down you don't doubt it will hold you but trust in it by faith this is a physical manifestation of the solid material realm God is universal and is the power and He that binds holds provides the very function and supply of energy strength and protection of our planet called earth this is God The Ancient of Days so of faith and good cheer you're still thank God and appreciate it be grateful thankful and total devoted putting Jesus Christ first He's a jealous God you need nothing but to put Him The Highest amen have a blessed abundant bright day I thank God for you all seeing you are studying a good healing and balancing art to help shows your intentions and heart God bless you Happy Easter He's Risen and always will be amen.

Appreciate the time you took into posting this video. Is it possible you could make smaller segments (blocks) it makes it easier to view the information. 4 hours can seem overwhelming for some. Thank you.

Hermoso, mucho más que la técnica, enseñas el arte de la atención para comunicar y compartir bienestar. It's been a long time coming for a good shiatsu documentary to get some of the tradition out there.  This preview looks really promising. Can't wait to see it! Thanks. Ayxgxgsgwwyxsuwyx. View All Programs. Open Center programs offer opportunity for exploration, fulfillment and transformation. Find an online, evening, weekend or longer-term experience in education and self-expansion by way of programs in any one of seven categories. Kawada sensei, a master with more then half a century of experience. Respect.

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